
#charset "us-ascii"
#include "advlite.h"

 *   SIGNAL EXTENSION Still at an experimental stage
 *   To use this extension, include the relations extensions before it.

 *   A Signal is a kind of Relation that can be used to send a signal from a
 *   sender to all the objects related to that sender via this Signal Relation.
 *   For a signal to be sent from a sender to a receiver, a relationship first
 *   needs to be set up between them with a statement like:
 *   connect(sender, signal, receiver);
 *   Where signal is either the programmatic name or the string name of the
 *   signal we want sent.
 *   To break the link subsequently we can use:
 *   unconnect(sender, signal, receiver);
Signal: Relation
    /* Signals can potentially relate many things to many other things. */
    relationType = manyToMany
     *   Notify every object related to sender by us to handle us as a signal
     *   from sender.
     *   If additional args are supplied, they can take one of two forms. Either
     *   values, which are then assigned in turn to the properties listed in our
     *   propList property, or two-element lists of the form [prop, val] where
     *   prop is a property pointer and val is the value to be assigned to this
     *   property. Note that these two forms cannot be mixed in the same call to
     *   this method, unless all the list form arguments come at the end.
    emit(sender, [args])   
        local prop, val;
         *   Clear out any property values left over from a previous call. We
         *   use null rather than nil as the 'cleared' value, since in some
         *   cases (e.g. in a moveSignal) nil could be a significant value.
        propList.forEach({p: self.(p) = null });
        /* Assign additional arguments to properties. */
        for(local arg in args, local i=1;; i++)       
             *   If each arg is a list, then the first item in the list is a
             *   property pointer, and the second is the value to assign to that
             *   property.
            if(dataType(arg) == TypeList)
               prop = arg[1];
               val = arg[2];
             *   Otherwise arg is just a value, which is assigned to the
             *   property found in the next element of propList.
                val = arg;
                prop = propList[i];
            self.(prop) = val;
        relatedTo(sender).forEach({ obj: obj.dispatchSignal(sender, self) });
     *   A list of pointers to the properties to which additional arguments to
     *   our emit method should be assigned.
    propList = []
    dispatchTab = nil
    addHandler(sender, receiver, handler)
        if(dispatchTab == nil)
            dispatchTab = new LookupTable();
        dispatchTab[[sender, receiver]] = handler;
    removeHandler(sender, receiver)
        if(dispatchTab != nil)
            dispatchTab.removeElement([sender, receiver]);

/* Signals to handle common state changes on Thing */
DefSignal(lit, lit);
DefSignal(unlit, unlit);
DefSignal(discover, discovered);
DefSignal(undiscover, lost);
DefSignal(lock, locked);
DefSignal(unlock, unlocked);
DefSignal(on, turned on);
DefSignal(off, turned off);
DefSignal(worn, worn) wearer = nil propList = [&wearer];
DefSignal(doff, doffed);
DefSignal(move, moved) destination = nil propList= [&destination];
DefSignal(actmove, action moved) destination = nil propList= [&destination];
DefSignal(seen, seen) location = nil propList = [&location];
DefSignal(examine, examine) actor = nil propList = [&actor];
DefSignal(take, take) actor = nil propList = [&actor];
DefSignal(drop, drop) actor = nil propList = [&actor];
DefSignal(open, open);
DefSignal (close, closed);
DefSignal(push, push);
DefSignal(pull, pull);
DefSignal(feel, feel);

modify TadsObject
    /* Emit a signal */
    emit(signal, [args])
        /* Simply call the signal's emit method with ourselves as the sender. */
        signal.emit(self, args...);
     *   Handle a signal from sender; game code will need to override particular
     *   instances. Note that this is a catch-all handler for signals we don't
     *   recognize or for which more specific handlers haven't been defined.
    handle(sender, signal)
    dispatchSignal(sender, signal)
        local prop;       
        if(signal.dispatchTab != nil && signal.dispatchTab[[sender, self]] != nil)
            prop = signal.dispatchTab[[sender, self]];
        else if(signal.propDefined(&handleProp) 
                && signal.propType(&handleProp) == TypeProp)
            prop = signal.handleProp;
            prop = &handle;
            self.(prop)(sender, signal);
            handle(sender, signal);
 modify Thing  
     *   Make various common state changes and actions emit the appropriate
     *   signals.
        emit(stat ? litSignal : unlitSignal);
    discover(stat = true)
        emit(stat ? discoverSignal : undiscoverSignal);
        emit(stat ? lockSignal : unlockSignal);       
        emit(stat ? onSignal: offSignal);
            emit(wornSignal, stat);
        emit(moveSignal, newCont);
        emit(actmoveSignal, newCont);
        emit(seenSignal, location);
        emit(stat ? openSignal : closeSignal);

connect(sender, signal, receiver, handler?)
    signal = relationTable.getRelation(signal)[1];
    relate(sender, signal, receiver);
        signal.addHandler(sender, receiver, handler);

unconnect(sender, signal, receiver)
    signal = relationTable.getRelation(signal)[1];
    unrelate(sender, signal, receiver);
       signal.removeHandler(sender, receiver);

modify TAction
    signal = nil

modify Take
    signal = takeSignal

modify Drop
    signal = dropSignal

modify Examine
    signal = examineSignal

modify Push
    signal = pushSignal

modify Pull
    signal = pullSignal

modify Feel
    signal = feelSignal

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 12/09/2014 from adv3Lite version 1.4